Satisfaction Survey

This Recruitment, Selection and Placement (RSP) satisfaction surveys is a Feedback Mechanism shaped and conducted by the HRMPSB members with the main goal of improving and optimizing their recruiting strategies and improve candidate experience. Recruitment satisfaction surveys are administered to every candidate to get the overall picture of the RSP processes.

Directions: Using the Likert Scale below, tick the appropriate response for each statement.

(1 - Strongly Disagree and 5 - Strongly Agree)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Notices of vacancies are published in conspicuous places
Applications submitted were received without any discrimination at all
It was easy to find all the information regarding the position
HRMPSB was friendly
HRMPSB told me how to prepare for the interview, skills Demo and demonstration teaching & written exam (EPT)
I got all the responses from HRMO I needed
All my questions were answered in timely manner
I felt I was very welcomed when I came for the interview, Skills Demo, demonstration teaching & written test
I was happy with the time between the application and the response
I was happy with the time between the interview/ Demo/ and feedback
I am satisfied with the recruiting and hiring process
HRMPSB is helpful throughout the whole process
Note: Please fill this up to help us improve our services in the future. Thanks with 💗.